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Interact with MetaMask Wallet directly through our Wallet API

Integrate your dapp with MetaMask using the Wallet API. You can interact with your users' Ethereum accounts, performing tasks such as the following:

Connect to MetaMask Extension or Mobile using the MetaMask SDK

Integrate your dapp with MetaMask SDK to MetaMask Extension and MetaMask Mobile seamlessly through third party libraries like Web3Onboard or directly using Wagmi or with basic JS/TS.

New to developing on MetaMask?

If you're new to integrating dapps with MetaMask, check out the following topics:


If you have questions about integrating your dapp with MetaMask, you can interact with the MetaMask team and community on the MetaMask channels on Consensys Discord.

MetaMask user support

If you need MetaMask user support, visit the MetaMask Help Center.